Tuesday, 14 October 2008

"Wunderkammer: A Century of Curiosities” at MoMA

"Compact Object" Natsuyuki Nakanishi, 1962

Visit the exhibition website.

"The wunderkammer was a free-form collection of all things rare and marvelous: small works of art, exquisite objects made of precious materials, natural specimens, unusual rock or crystal formations, scientific instruments. Although ancestors of today’s museums, wunderkammers were more capricious, with a broader mandate: the goal was to gather knowledge and explain the world — not just art — through its wonders."

Read the whole article here: The New York Times

Thursday, 9 October 2008

The Dead Sea Scrolls

Peering Into the Mystery of Those Enigmatic Fragments

Go, finally, because there is something rarely felt in exhibitions, and which the critic Walter Benjamin argued was heading toward extinction. In the 1930s he suggested that art objects were now so easily reproduced that they were being stripped of their “aura.” Aura, he suggested, is connected with uniqueness, but it also involves a sense of distance. An object possessing aura stands at a distance from us, no matter how near we get to it.

Read the whole article here: The New York Times

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Schedule updated

Week 41
Monday October 6 Seminar led by Jenny Bergström
Tuesday October 7 Receive Second Assignment
Friday October 10 Group Presentations and Discussion (Svarta Havet)

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

Second Assignment

Mindful of discussions yesterday about what constitutes RTP, please examine all of the collections and exhibitions from the Museum of Jurassic Technology (see list of links) and then select one using it as a "litmus test" for what RTP can create.

Then work backwards: Does the collection or exhibition your group selected seem to be the result of using RTP as a methodology? Yes or no, use your conclusion to open the door onto a narrowed description of RTP as a methodology which will serve you in your main assignment.

Presentations will take place in Svarta Havet on Friday October 10 at 1pm.

Saturday, 4 October 2008

Groups 1, 2, 3 and 4

Group 1
Rui Tenreiro, rui (at) soyfriends.com, (GDI)
Martin Ernstsen, marshtin (at) hotmail.com, (GDI)
Rossana Mercado, apoptosix66 (at) yahoo.com, (WIRE)
Martha Johansson, martha.johansson (at) konstfack.se, (T)
Nina Westman, nina.westman (at) konstfack.se (KoG)
Ami Izaki, izakiami (at) gmail.com, (EDG)
Marie, marie.gullander (at) konstfack.se, (ID)

Group 3
Eva, eva.jauss (at) konstfack.se, (GDI)
Sharmila, sharmila.bandyopadhyay (at) konstfack.se, (GDI)
Gulli, gudlauger.valgardsson (at) konstfack.se, (IA)
Bernard, b.s.abele (at) gmail.com, (MF)
Mars, hwasung.yoo (at) konstfack.se, (ID)
Brett, brettascarelli (at) gmail.com, (EDG)

Group 4
Joakim Nyström, joakim.nystrom (at) konstfack.se, (IA)
Margot Barolo, margot (at) barolo.nu (KG)
Chia-Wei Lin (Owen), chia-wei.lin (at) konstfack.se, (ID)
Eva Jakovits, eva.jakovits (at) konstfack.se (T)
Dana Hakim Bercovich, danahakim (at) gmail.com, (MF)
Joakim Forsgren, joakim (at) joakimforsgren.com, (K)

Thursday, 2 October 2008

At Armémuseum

First Assignment

By the time we hand out this assignment you have already red the Ernst Bettler article and been on a guided tour at Armémuseum. The task you are about to engage in is collaborative and we ask you to, in assigned groups, revisit the museum and chose one room or display with which you can make an interesting link to the article. Take pictures and collect material needed to present and argue for this connection at our coming seminar on Monday October 6 at 1pm when each group will have 20 minutes for their presentation. In addition we ask you to bring to the seminar 3 provocative statements or questions per group relevant to your presentation in order to open up to a discussion and brainstorming session on the relation Armémuseum – Bettler.

If you have questions regarding the assignment we are happy to discuss these tomorrow, Friday.

Don't forget to send us a list of your group, with names, departments and email addresses! Please send them to: bergstrom.jenny (at) gmail.com
Thank you!

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Printed readings

The readings handed out today can be picked up at the library. Also available at the library is the text "Fail Again. Fail Better." which has been added to the list of readings. Ask the staff and they will help you find it.